the pig who thinks in english

The pig who thinks in English takes his ease
and taps his trotters daintily on tiles
that echo pleasantly while sun and breeze
bring pleasure to him, teasing out those smiles
he's famous for among his litter mates.
"What man is good for?  There are many things.
They bring us dinner morning, noon, and night.
They track our pedigrees, record our weights
and wear, as we do, ear and nasal rings.
When alone, some like to warm our nights.
What's best?  This fact, I think:  it's really neat
how, if you close your eyes, they're good to eat."

— appeared in Möbius, Spring-Summer 2000,

— was presented July 2002 at Porkopolis
pork picture

— was published in The Illustrated Guide to Pigs: How to Choose Them - How to Keep Them (2011) by Celia Lewis

Guide To Pigs cover